The Kick – off meeting (project launching conference) was organized on the 5th of June, 2014, which was attended by nearly one hundred participants from various state institutions of Azerbaijan - Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Taxes, Ministry of Economy and Industry, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population, Central Bank, as well as State Social Protection Fund, representatives of the international organizations - World Bank, United Nations Development Program in Azerbaijan (UNDP), representatives from large enterprises, provided  first official contact to all stakeholders involved in the project.

There was presented the project and given short introductions about the EU MS - pension system of Latvia and Germany to all stakeholders.


“This  publication  has  been produced with the assistance of the European Union.  The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Twinning  project  partners  (Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia and  German Association for Social Security Policy and Research) and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.”