Job Contract

Job contract is a written agreement between the employee and the employer about the job to be performed and the wage. This is required by the Labour Law.

With the job contract:

  • employee undertakes to perform a certain job and to obey certain procedures and employer's instructions;
  • employer undertakes to pay the wage settled and provide safe and harmless working conditions.

The following shall necessarily be included in the job contract:

  • employee's name, surname, personal ID, address, the employer's name, (surname), number of the register and address;
  • date of the commencement of the employment;
  • in the case of temporary job contract, the term of employment;
  • working place;
  • employee's profession accordingly to the Classification of Professions and the description of the job;
  • amount of the remuneration and the date of payment;
  • daily or weekly working hours;
  • length of the annual paid vacation;
  • term of notice for the job contract;
  • whether there is a general agreement and the work order regulations.

Job contract is usually prepared in 2 copies. One of them is kept by the employee, the other - by the employer. Every employee has the right to demand a written contract of job.

There are 2 kinds of job contracts:

  • job contract of indefinite term - there is no set date for the termination of the job contract;
  • temporary job contract - this is made only under special conditions, like, for a seasonal job, for occasional jobs, when substituting the colleagues and other. The date or the conditions of termination of the job contract have to be stated. Temporary job contract must not exceed 3 years.

Employee with a temporary contract has the same rights as the employees with the indefinite term job contracts.

A test period may be set in the job contract so that the employer can make sure that the employee is able to perform the task assigned. The test period must not exceed 3 months. The time while employee had been ill or had not been able to work because of justifying conditions is excluded from the test period. The test period can not be set for employees under 18 years of age.

Upon mutual agreement, the employee and employer may change in written the conditions of the job contract.


Wage is a remuneration regularily granted to the employee for the performed work.

Wage includes:

  • salary;
  • additional payment for the performed work. (Its' amount is set in the employment contract or collective agreement);
  • additional payment for the work related to particular hazard. (Its' amount is set in the employment contract or collective agreement);
  • additional payment for the night work. (It must not be smaller than 50% from the hourly or daily salary rate of the employee. A larger additional payment can be stipulated in the employment contract or collective agreement);
  • additional payment for the extra hours or holidays. (It must not be less than 100% from the hourly or daily salary rate of the employee. A larger additional payment can be stipulated in the employment contract or collective agreement);
  • additional payment stipulated in the employment contract or collective agreement;
  • bonuses;
  • other kind of remuneration related to work.

Responsibility of employer:

  • to set equal wage for the same or similar work;
  • to pay the wage for the performed work not less frequently than 2 times per month. Upon a mutual agreement between the employee and the employer it can be paid also one time per month.
  • to inform the employees in a written notice about the introduction of a new payment system one month in advance;
  • upon the request of the employee to provide a notice about his or her wage and executed Mandatory State Social Insurance Contributions;
  • to issue a written calculation of wage;
  • to pay the additional payments set in the Labour Law and the employment contract.

To employees younger than 18 years:

  • wage cannot be less than minimum monthly wage if the person had worked 7 days each working day and 35 hours per week;
  • and in addition to studies in vocational school the person works, the performed work is remunerated according to the working hours.

Children receive salary in proportion to the performed tasks.

Employers calculate and pay the wage in cash but upon a mutual agreement between the employers and the employees it can be transferred to employee's bank account.  

Average earnings are paid by the employer if employee is on the annual vacation or additional vacation.

Employer pays the average earnings also in case of the piecework wage (pay for the piecework) and employees do not work due to the following reasons:

  • health check at the medical institution;
  • blood test at the medical institution informing employer about it in advance;
  • participation in the professional training organized by the employer or in-service training;
  • in case of death of parents, child or other close family member the person has not worked more than 2 working days;
  • due to moving to another place of residence initiated by the employer: not longer than one working day if employee moves to another place of residence in the same populated area and not more than 2 working days if moving to another populated area;
  • upon demand, employee visits the institution concerned, prosecutor's office or participates in hearing as a representative;
  • participates in liquidating of the consequences of force majeure;
  • is not working in holiday which coincides with the scheduled working day;
  • is on a business trip. 


Every employed person has a right to the annual paid vacation regardless of the fact whether the employment contract is signed for a fixed-term or not and regardless of the fact whether the employee works full-time or part-time job. It is regulated by the Labour Law.

Annual vacation cannot be shorter than 4 calendar weeks (28 calendar days) not including the holidays. Employees younger than 18 are entitled to receive one month long vacation. 

If any of vacation days coincide with holidays, vacation is prolonged for the number of holiday days.  Upon a mutual agreement between the employee and the employer the vacation can be transferred proportionally to the number of holiday days. If employee has fallen ill, vacation is transferred or prolonged proportionally to the number of days of illness. Employer and employee mutually agree upon the transfer or prolongation of the vacation.

Vacation can be divided into parts only within the framework of the current year. More to that one of the vacation parts must not be shorter than 2 continuous calendar weeks. The rest of the vacation can be devided also into smaller parts upon a mutual agreement between the employee and the employer. 

It is prohibited to transfer the entire annual vacation to the next year.

Employee can receive the annual vacation for the first year of employment if he or she has served at employer's not less than 6 months without interruption. More to that, employer is obliged to grant such vacation to the full amount. 

It is prohibited to compensate the vacation in means of money except for the cases when the legal employment relationships are ceased and employee has not used the annual paid vacation.

Additional vacation can be received by employees:

  • with three or more children under 16 or disabled child under 18. Additional vacation is 3 working days long;
  • whose work is related to a special hazard. Additional vacation must not be shorter than 3 days.

Other cases (night work, shift work, long-term work etc.) can be stipulated in the collective agreement or employment for granting the additional vacation.

Upon the request of the employee, the employer can grant unpaid vacation to the employee.

In order to take the state exam or write and present a thesis, the employee is entitled to receive the leave for studies and examinations. This vacation must not be shorter than 20 working days per year.


According to the collective agreement or employment contract the employee who is studying in any educational establishment is entitled to receive paid or unpaid leave for studies and examinations.

According to the Labour Law working hours is a period from the beginning to the end of the work. Within its framework an employee performs a work and is under the service of employer. Work breaks are exceptions.

The beginning and the end of working hours is organized by the internal work regulations, shift schedules or employment contract.

There are several ways to regulate working hours:

  • Regular shortened working hours - is applied to employees whose work is related to particular hazard and does not exceed 7 hours per day or 35 hours per week or 50% from regular daily or weekly working hours.
  • Part-time working hours - employer and employee can agree in the employment contract upon the part-time work that is shorter than regular 8 hours daily or 40 hours weekly working hours.
  • Extra hours - working hours performed by the employee beyond the regular working hours. Employee can be employed in this type of work without his or her written consent only in cases of the most urgent necessity and also in order to avert the consequences of force majeure, accident or any event caused by external factors when the urgent unexpected work must be completed outside the regular hours. Employee is not allowed to work more than 144 extra hours within four months. Persons younger than 18 are not allowed to work extra hours. Pregnant woman, woman one year after delivery and breast-feeding woman during the entire period of breast-feeding can work extra hours only in cases of her written agreement.
  • Night work - any work performed by the employee more than two hours starting from 10 PM until 6 AM. Employee performs the night work according to the shift schedule or at least 50 days within calendar year. 
  • Shift work - ensures uninterrupted work. The most often cases are the first or the second morning shift, the second or the third day shift and the third or night shift. A schedule is required for the shift work and employee cannot work two shifts in a row. Responsibility of the employer is to ensure a rest, to introduce with shift schedules not later than one month after their coming into the force. 
  • Time credits - used in cases if due to the work features it is not possible performing the regular daily or weekly working hours, for instance, in production enterprises or enterprises providing services. Time credits must not exceed the regular working hours set for the respective employee within the report period. If no longer period is stipulated in the collective agreement or the employment contract, report period for time credits is one month. Employee and employer can agree in the employment contract about the length of the report period but it may not exceed three months but in the collective agreement it may not exceed 12 months. Within the framework of time credits regardless of the case it is prohibited to employ a person more than 24 hours in a row and 56 hours per week. If the work is performed according to time credits, employee receives a period for the rest immediately after performing the work.

Persons under 18 are allowed to work 5 days per week.

Any changes in working hours must be mutually agreed with the employer.

Employer's/employee's notice

Everyone faces the changes both in personal and professional life. One of these changes in professional life is related to searching for a new job and termination of previous labour relations. Labour Law contains several provisions that employee should know before the termination of labour relations.

Labour relations can be terminated with employee:

  • upon mutual agreement between employee and employer;
  • if fixed term employment contract has ended;
  • if employer has died and he/she was natural person;
  • if employee has died;
  • if employee's or employer's notice is received;
  • if court's adjudgment is received by which employee is sentenced with imprisonment or arrest for committing a crime;
  • if demanded by parents, custodians or representatives of State Labour Inspection.

Employee can terminate labour relations:

  • 1 month in advance if not otherwise stipulated in the employment contract or collective agreement. He/she submits a written notice about the said decision to employer. Upon mutual agreement between employee and employer, labour relations can be terminated before the abovementioned term.
  • 1 day in advance if a person is employed in temporary social work organized by State Employment Agency;
  • if he/she has an important reason not permitting further labour relations.

Employer can terminate labour relations: 

  • during the test period;
  • if employee has violated employment contract or work order, moreover he/she has no plausible reason for that;
  • if employer has lost the confidence in employee due to his/her unlawful activity;
  • if employee has acted against the mores while performing the work;
  • if employee is under influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances while performing the work;
  • if employee has roughly violated labour protection rules as well as posed a threat to health and safety of other persons;
  • if employee does not have sufficient professional skills to perform the work;
  • if employee cannot perform the work due to the health condition and it is also confirmed by the physician in medical conclusion;
  • if former employee resumes the work;
  • in case of reducing the number of employees;
  • upon the liquidation of employer's enterprise;
  • if due to temporary disability employee does not perform the work for more than six months, if disability is continuous or one year out of three-year period, if disability repeats with interruptions, not including maternity leave as well as disability period if disability is caused by the work injury or occupational disease.

Labour relations cannot be terminated:

  • due to employee's illness (except for the cases if employee is not performing the work more than six months due to temporary disability,
  • if disability is continuous or lasts one year within the three-year period, if disability repeats with interruptions) and during the vacation;
  • if employee is not performing the work due to plausible reasons.

Above mentioned limitations do not pertain to the case when employer's enterprise is being liquidated.

Labour relations also cannot be terminated (except for the individual cases stipulated in Labour Law) with:

  • pregnant woman;
  • woman with child younger than 1 year;
  • woman during the whole period of breast-feeding;
  • employee with established disability;
  • employee who is a member of labour union if the consent of respective labour union has not been received.
  • Safety at work

Occupational diseases are diseases characteristic to certain categories of employees which are caused only or mainly by physical, chemical, biological, psychological and other factors present at work place.

Occupational diseases can be divided into the following large groups:

  • acute and chronic illnesses caused by chemical factors;
  • illnesses caused by biological factors;
  • illnesses caused by physical factors;
  • illnesses caused by medicaments;
  • illnesses caused by overwork (general physical overwork or overwork of certain organs or systems);
  • illnesses caused by industrial aerosols;
  • allergic occupational diseases.

Examination of occupational diseases and order of record-keeping pertains to all cases of occupational diseases if employees are being or were exposed to harmful work environment factors. 

If illnesses or their symptoms set out in the Appendix 1 of Regulations for Examination of Occupational Diseases and Procedure of Record-keeping have been established to the employee, he/she is being or was exposed to harmful factors in work environment, he/she can require family doctor to check the health and establish whether the diagnosed illness is occupational disease. If health disorders are established to employee during the health check and they most probably are caused by harmful factors at work environment, the person is appointed to occupational health doctor in order to specify the diagnosis.

If occupational health doctor confirms the possibility of occupational disease diagnosis he/she:

  • appoints the employee for consultation to medical commission in occupational diseases under the respective medical institution or Physician Commission for Occupational Diseases from Occupation and Radiation Pathology Center under State joint-stock company "Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital";
  • appointment to consultation requires an appointment card and record from out-patient health record about the suffered illnesses. 

If occupational disease from occupational diseases list is established to employee, he/she can receive the remuneration.

If medical commission or central medical commission diagnoses occupational disease to employee, he/she turns to family doctor with statement issued by the commission. Family doctor appoints the victim of an occupational disease to the State Medical Commission for the Assessment of Health Condition and Working Ability or its structural unit - general and special medical commission examining capability for work and health in order to establish the loss of capacity for work (in percent) and severity of disability according to the normative acts on the procedure of examining disability.

In order to establish the rights to intended insurance indemnity stipulated in the normative acts, the victim of an occupational disease submits to State Social Insurance Agency documents issued by the medical commission or central medical commission and examination commission.

In case of work injury about which a statement is drawn (due to the possible risk of infecting) but an immediate disability has not set in, the family doctor appoints the employee for a consultation with the medical commission or central medical commission (infection related to the accident at work has been diagnosed later).

Self-employed persons are not insured in case of occupational diseases and thus cannot receive insurance indemnity from SSIA!

According to the Labour Protection Law employer is obliged to ensure the training of employees in field of labour protection.

Employer must ensure that every employee is briefed and trained in labour protection issues which relate directly to his/her work place and tasks.

Immediately after establishing employment relations employer must ensure introductory training to every employee by briefing him/her into labour protection in the company, including the following questions:

1)      type of entrepreneurship and the most important risk factors;

2)      impact of risk factors on safety and health;

3)      internal work regulations;

4)      labour protection system in the company;

5)      significance and sequence of compulsory health checks;

6)      safety signs;

7)      rights and responsibilities of employed persons;

8)      representation of employees;

9)      general requirements for action in emergency situations and accidents at work;

10)  other issues related to labour protection.

Upon starting the employment relations employees must be briefed in tasks to be performed and prepared instructions by showing in practice safe work techniques and briefing into the following questions:

1)      general information about respective establishment, shop, area, site, technological process and equipments, organisation of work and work place;

2)      safe routing of employees within the territory of establishment, area, shop or site;

3)      risk factors related to a certain work place or type of work;

4)      impact of risk factors on health and safety;

5)      safe working techniques;

6)      use of work equipment;

7)      use of means of individual protection;

8)      behaviour in emergency situations and in case of accident at work;

9)      safety signs in the respective work place;

10)  other measures of labour protection;

11)  other questions of labour protection.

Briefing must be repeated not less than once a year (in hazardous type of work - once in six months) and also must take place when work features have been changed, new technologies or utilities introduced, accident at work has taken place or occupational disease established, etc.

Employer must ensure that employees are trained in an understandable way taking into consideration the education, former training, work experience and abilities of employee as well as specific character of work. Employer must make sure that the employee has understood the briefing and training in labour protection.

Briefing is organized during the working hours by providing enough time for qualitative explanation of materials, drilling of practical methods and techniques as well as examination of knowledge.

Employee is obliged to participate in labour protection trainings and briefings provided by employer.

Employer has rights to provide additional training into labour protection for an employee who has violated the requirements of labour protection.

Employer is obliged to consult regarding labour protection with employees or trustees as well as to ensure an opportunity for trustees to participate in meetings where issues of organisation of briefings and trainings are discussed.

Every company must have employees who are trained in delivering the first aid and implementing the measures of fire fighting. Employer must ensure that the number of these employees is sufficient, they are appropriately briefed and provided with the necessary equipments.

Means of individual protection are products, appliances and equipments which are used by the employee in order to protect his/her safety and health against dangerous or harmful impact of risk factors in work environment.

When choosing the means of individual protection one must evaluate all risk factors present at work place. 

Employer must provide employees with the necessary protective means free of charge.

Means of individual protection:

  • Head protection - crash helmets for protection of skull, caps, bonnets, hairnets and protective headgear, for instance, sou'westers. Used in cases if one can suffer from falling objects (construction, store-houses, etc.) at work as well as while working with mechanisms in which long and untied hair can be pulled in and similar cases.
  • Face and eyes protection- spectacles, goggles, protective screens, face shields, arc-welding masks. They protect from the impact of dust, gas, bright light, infra-red, laser and in several cases also from ionizing radiation and electromagnetic fields.
  • Hearing protection - earmuffs, earplugs, acoustic helmets. Must be used if noise in work place exceeds the permissible critical levels of exposure:
  • if noise level exceeds 85 decibels  (dBA), employer must ensure that employees use individual protective means for hearing;
  • if noise reaches level of 80 decibels (dBA), employer must ensure that employees have access to protective means for hearing.
  • Respiratory and digestive apparatus protection - respiratory devices, masks with suitable dust and/or gas filters, appliances with an air supply. Used if contact with dust, smoke, steam, gas, radioactive particles, viruses, bacteria as well as other risk factors related to impact of ambience and surrounding conditions - heat, cold, air moisture - can occur in the work place.
  • Hand and arm protection - gloves to protect from mechanic impact (protection from pricks, cuts, vibration), chemical impact (acids, alkalis, organic solvents), ionizing radiation and radioactive contamination, cold, heat, wrist protection for heavy work, dielectric gloves.
  • Leg and foot protection- safety boots, shoes with additional protective toe-cap, shoes and overboots with heat-resistant sole, vibration-resistant shoes, electric insulation shoes, protective boots for chain-saw operators, kneepads etc. Used if high temperature, sparks, splashes of acids and alkalis etc. are present at work place.
  • Abdomen and trunk protection - protective waistcoats, jackets and aprons to provide protection from machinery, for instance, when cutting, drilling, milling, melting metals, coveralls (overalls, wraps), aprons to provide protection from chemicals, x-ray, life jackets, protective aprons to provide protection from blades, body belts, etc.
  • Fall prevention equipment - safety systems and appliances to prevent falls from height, for instance, fall-prevention equipment (safety belts), body-holding devices, safety ropes, wires, coupling hooks. Used in cases when it is possible to fall from height as well as during the rescue, reparation, research works.
  • Body protection against harmful environmental impact or protective clothing - various types of clothing to protect from mechanic injuries, chemicals, molten metals, infra-red and electromagnetic radiation, dust, gas, heat as well as protective clothing for chain-saw operators, fluorescent or reflecting accessories (in road reparation, for rescue service staff).
  • Work clothing - overalls, jackets, dungarees, trousers, rain jackets, coats, suits.
  • Skin protection- barrier creams, barrier ointments. Used when hands are exposed to the large amounts of water, aggressive agents, solutions, for instance, organic solvents, oils, lubricants as well as in works where protective gloves are required. It must be kept in mind that these agents should not irritate skin and they must be easily cleaned and washed off. 

Some facts one must know about means of individual protection:

  • appropriate protection against risk factors to which employee is subjected must be ensured;
  • eyes, nose, mouth, skin etc. parts of human body must be protected;
  • they must be as comfortable as possible;
  • used in compliance with available instructions and requirements by manufacturer;
  • can be used only for designed purposes;
  • must be kept clean and undamaged;
  • must be certified regarding risk that the employee wants to prevent ("CE" marking);
  • must not lose any of its features;
  • intended for individual use (must be cleaned and disinfected if used for several persons);
  • they must not increase the risk;
  • if several protective means are used simultaneously, they should be compatible.  

If protective means given to the employee are not comfortable and suitable, for instance, they pinch if too small or other difficulties arise while using them, employer must be informed so that he/she could swap for more appropriate ones! 

Use protective means provided by the employer for your work!

Accident at work is damage caused to insured person or his/her death if it was caused by extraordinary event during one working day (shift). It could arise while performing the work tasks as well as while saving any person or property in order to prevent a potential threat.

Investigation of accident is a set of measures taken by the investigation commission or State Labour Inspection (SLI) in order to establish:

  • causes of accident;
  • traumatic factors causing the accident;
  • severity of health disorders;
  • and to analyse more profoundly the accident which took place in the work place and to set preventive measures in order to avert the causes of accident in future.

Accidents must be investigated if:

  • accident has caused to employee a loss of capacity for work for more than 24 hours;
  • the victim has died in the work place or death was caused by the impact of work environment factors;
  • victim was bitten by possibly infected animal or insect (for instance, a tick), victim has come into contact with blood or other liquids or items that are infected or possibly infected and after this contact or bite a risk of infecting has been established even if an instant loss or capacity for work has not set in.

Employer must investigate those accidents that have occurred:

  • within the territory of company (work place) and during the working hours including work breaks;
  • while performing work or service tasks outside the territory of company or outside the scheduled working hours, including business trips or missions;
  • moving among objects if such activity is related to the work or service responsibilities as well as based upon the written order or appointment by the employer using the private vehicle for work tasks;
  • being on a vehicle possessed by employer in a direct route to the work or from work or being on a vehicle possessed by the employer during the shifts;
  • performing any action in interests of the employer that ensures the uninterrupted work process or is directed towards preventing the losses or saving the health and life of a person even without employer's order to do so;
  • if a single (not more than within one shift) impact of work environment risk factors has caused to employee an acute illness or exacerbation or chronic illness or health disorders were caused by animals or insects or health disorders were brought about by natural calamity while victim was performing his tasks related to work;
  • while working at other employer or under the guidance of his/her authorized person or while performing the work or service responsibilities after being appointed to another employer (within the territory of other employer);
  • if no employment contract had been signed but State Labour Inspection established that victim was working at the employer.

The most common causes for accidents at work:

  • violation of labour protection instruction requirements;
  • labour protection means and work clothing are not used;
  • choosing inadequate or unsuitable work techniques;
  • insufficient attention during the work;
  • violation of the stipulated work order.

Employees and witnesses of the accident must immediately report to the employer, immediate clerk of the works or labour protection specialist about the accident.

Any accident is investigated by the investigation commission which draws a statement about the respective accident at work (in 4 copies), one copy is given to the victim or his/her representative.

Employers must report all accidents at work to State Labour Inspection. If a severe or possibly severe health disorders have been caused to the victim or he/she has died, employer must immediately report to both SLI and the nearest State Police department.

Objectives of accident investigation:

  • profound examination of facts;
  • reconstruction of situation from technical, human and organizational aspects;
  • assessment of risk factors in order to prevent similar accidents from occurring.

In all cases of legal work employee's social safety is guaranteed by the normative acts of the Republic of Latvia. In compliance with law On Compulsory Social Insurance in Respect of Accidents at Work and Occupational illnesses State Social Insurance Agency grants to the employed person who has suffered a work injury the remuneration for medical, rehabilitation and related additional expenses regarding the loss of capacity for work.

Employed persons whose health condition is subjected to harmful factors in work environment and having specific conditions at work must undergo compulsory health check.

Objective of compulsory health check - to ensure timely establishing of health disorders and protect health against the impact of risk factors in work environment. Thus by undergoing compulsory health check, employees would have their health and working ability improved and have less absence from the work due to illnesses.

A person has to undergo compulsory health check:

  • before signing the employment contract (first health check);
  • on a regular basis (regular health check);
  • under changing harmful factors in work environment (extraordinary health check);
  • if initiated by employer;
  • if recommended by labour protection specialist or trustee. 

According to the results of the assessment of work environment risks, employer appoints the employees or persons before signing the employment contract, to the occupational health doctor or directly to do the laboratory and functional tests or to attend specialists according to the Annex 1 and 2 of Provisions. Employee submits test results to the occupational health doctor during the health check.

Upon appointing the employee and person before starting labour relations or state civil service relations to health check employer hands out a health check record in two copies. Doctor keeps one copy but other is given to the employer.

Expenses related to the regular health check are covered by the employerThe first health check is covered by the employee if not agreed otherwise with the employer.

Upon the request by employee, employer must provide a certified copy of employee's health check record.

Employer keeps the compulsory health check records at least for 10 years.

Regular health checks are necessary so that employees could timely:

  • find the early symptoms of occupational disease and stop development of pathologic process;
  • diagnose the sickness which is contraindicated in the respective occupation;
  • receive individual therapeutic and prevention measures.

Trustee is a person elected by the employees and who is trained according to the requirements set out by the Cabinet of Ministers and represents the interests of the employed in labour protection.

Within one month after electing the trustee, an employer provides to trustees additional training into the labour protection. Trustee has to master the basic skills in labour protection within 50 hours. After mastering the basic skills, trustee receives a document certifying the basic skills in theoretical section. 

Additional training for trustees in labour protection has to be completed within the framework of working hours. All costs related to the additional training are covered by the employer.

In implementation of labour protection measures including risk prevention, employer involves trustee or employed representative and the employed who is familiar with the specific place of work. 

Trustee's rights:

  • to freely express justified opinion of the employees as well as his/her personal opinion regarding the organization and implementation of labour protection system within the company.
  • to receive from employer the internal labour protection normative acts, normative technical documentation, instructions and other labour protection provisions as well as explanations and other information regarding the labour protection;
  • to put forward an initiative to employer to do the measurements of the risk factors of the work environment if complaints have been received from the employees about the work environment risk factors which are harmful to health;
  • to initiate to perform repeated assessment of work environment risks in the work places where an accident had taken place or serious and direct threat to the life and health of employee had been observed;
  • to demand employer to implement the labour protection measures and to make suggestions that, if implemented, could prevent or reduce risk to safety and health of employees;
  • to initiate to employer to conclude an agreement on labour protection, to participate in negotiations regarding the provisions of collective agreement and amendments in the field of labour protection;
  • to access work places according to the order set in the company.

Trustee's responsibilities:

  • to participate in the internal monitor of work environment, including the assessment of work place risk, planning of labour protection measures and assessment of their efficiency;
  • to participate in the investigation of accidents which had taken place at work and putting into operation of production equipments and objects, as well as assessment of conformity of work equipment.

In compliance with Labour Protection Law employer has the following responsibilities in labour protection:

  • to consult with the employees or trustees;
  • to provide an opportunity to trustees to participate in meetings related to:
  • measures which can impact safety and health of employees;
  • development and operation of labour protection organisational structure;
  • appointment of those employees who are trusted in delivering first aid, undertake fire fighting measures and evacuation of employees;
  • internal supervision of work environment;
  • to inform employees about the labour protection also in cases when they are employed by another or several employers;
  • planning and organising briefing and training into labour protection.

If employer wants to terminate the labour relations or civil service relations with the trustee, he/she must at first receive the approval of State Labour Inspection.